Phoenix Comicon
So excited to announce that I'll be attending Phoenix Comicon 2016! My schedule is still coming together, but I'll be there all four days (June 2-5). For the most up-to-date information about where I'll be and when, see my guest page on the Phoenix Comicon website.
See you soon, Phoenix!
Kirkus Review
The Last One's first review has arrived, and I'm thrilled. Thrilled and grateful.
PLA 2016
Announcing my first appearance as a my-debut-novel-is-almost-out-in-the-world author! The good people of the Public Library Association have invited me to their 2016 conference. I'll be heading to Denver on Thursday for an afternoon meet-and-greet at the Booklist booth and an early evening reception. So looking forward to meeting my fellow featured authors and, of course, our hosts and conference attendees.
Aspen Words: How I Met My Agent
Here's a trip back in time to a piece I wrote shortly after selling THE LAST ONE. I've always loved reading and hearing authors' "How I Met My Agent" stories and am so pleased to share my own here: